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The Transparency Revolution In Education

100% Transparency!  
See exactly where your aid goes, every step of the way. 

Have you ever wondered what happens to your donations after you make them? How do you know if your contribution is reaching the people who need it the most? How can you be sure that your aid is making a positive impact and not being wasted or misused? 
These are some of the questions that many donors face when they want to support a cause or a project.  
And these are the questions that Traceable Giving Foundation (TGF) aims to answer with its innovative platform that ensures accountability, responsibility, and traceability for every project. 
TGF that connects donors, partners, and beneficiaries in a transparent and efficient way, providing them with the resources and technology they need to improve their learning environment and outcomes. 
But TGF does not just fund projects; it verifies them with care. With the ground support of TGF’s team, they verify the schools, teachers, and students for free.  
The verified documents are then uploaded on the portal and accessed by the core team in real time. 
Additionally, each school provides its specific requirements with supporting documents, demonstrating their needs. TGF team evaluates these needs and initiates projects to fulfil the school’s demands. 
All the partners are linked on the same platform and can access the information of every school and project from their locations.  
As soon as a project is started, sponsors are notified and can select the projects they wish to sponsor based on their objectives. 
Throughout the process, each partner is assigned a UIN, i.e. a unique identification number to enable complete traceability.  
Projects are executed seamlessly and schools upload delivery evidence on the portal which are accessible to the sponsors at their convenience. 
TGF strives to create a 100% transparent ecosystem and deliver a zero-loss solution by ensuring accountability, responsibility, and traceability.  
Because more than a portal, it’s a promise! 
A promise that,  
– Your aid will reach the right people, at the right time, and in the right way.  
– Your aid will make a difference in the lives of the students and teachers who need it the most.  
– You will be able to see the impact of your aid, every step of the way. 
If you want to be a part of this promise, join TGF today and help us transform education in India.  
Visit our website to learn more about our projects, our partners, and our vision. 
Together, we can make a change. Together, we can make a promise. 
To know about beauty of our process, refer to the below mentioned link,