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Supporting children’s learning through contributions

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At Traceable Giving Foundation, we believe in the power of education to transform lives.

Through our various initiatives, we are making a significant impact in underprivileged communities across India.

Here’s how we are making a difference:

  • Learning Classroom and Digital E-Learning
    We are committed to creating conducive learning environments. Our Learning Classroom and Digital E-Learning initiatives provide essential resources and infrastructure to schools. By equipping classrooms with modern technology, we ensure that students and teachers have access to the tools they need for effective learning. 
  • Brighther Tomorrow
    Our Brighther Tomorrow program focuses on empowering girls and young women. We provide them with the skills and resources they need to succeed and support others in their communities. This initiative is about creating a positive effect to empower girls.  
  • Science Lab Equipment
    To foster a love for science and innovation, we supply Science Lab Equipment to schools. This hands-on approach to learning helps students understand scientific concepts better and encourages them to pursue careers in science fields. 
  • E-Learning Classroom and Computer Labs
    We provide technical hardware to partner schools, including computers and projectors, to aid in e-learning. This initiative ensures that even schools with limited infrastructure can benefit from digital education. Our portal system further enhances this by offering a centralized platform for students, teachers, and donors.
  • Books for Change
    Recognizing the high drop-out rates in underprivileged areas, our Books for Change project provides complete sets of syllabus-based books to Grade 9 and 10 students. This ensures that students have the necessary resources to succeed in their studies and exams.
  • Smart School: Road to Digitalization
    Technology is crucial for the success of any educational system. Our Smart School initiative includes the development of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to streamline resource management and ensure transparency.
This tracks contributions and efficiently allocates resources, ensuring that every donation directly benefits the students.
So far, we have reached:

✅ 4324 Students
✅ 38 Schools
✅ 38 Villages

Your support can help us expand our reach and impact even more lives.

Together, we can create a brighter future for children in underprivileged communities.